
啊,春季大扫除. The perfect way to shake off the winter blues and get your home ready for a beautiful spring. +, spring cleaning can also make your home more energy efficient, 让你的电器更有效地工作.

但是当你忙着擦窗户的时候, changing your furnace filter and dusting in those hard-to-reach places, do you sometimes forget the hub of your home – the kitchen.

We probably spend more time in our kitchens than anywhere else in our house or apartment. 那是我们做饭和吃家庭大餐的地方, 孩子们在哪里做作业, where we deconstruct our workday after walking through the front door.

它经常被使用. 它变得很脏!

A deep cleaning in the kitchen should be a centerpiece of your spring cleaning routine. Check out these ideas for getting your kitchen spick-and-span.



  • Unless you’re uber tall, you probably don’t see the top of your refrigerator very often. 但相信我们,它需要一些关注. Make sure to dust the top before starting other areas of the kitchen.
  • Dust the door and window frames as well as any wall hangings.
  • 你的灯具上容易积灰尘. It’s also a good idea to remove light fixtures and give them a good cleaning with soap and water.


  • From your mixer to your crockpot to your air fryer, spend a little time with each appliance. 从里到外彻底擦拭.
  • 当你把这些电器弄得锃亮锃亮的时候, 花几分钟做一些需要的小维护.


  • Not only will a clean oven look and smell better, it will make your kitchen safer. Ovens are one of the most common areas in a home to start a fire. Food debris as well as grease and oil buildup in an oven can start on fire. It will also produce smoke, which could fill your kitchen and ruin the food in your oven. 如果你想节省澳门金沙登录, consider skipping the self-cleaning option on your oven and clean it by hand instead.
  • 擦拭烤箱的顶部和前部. You can use an equal mix of vinegar and warm water to get your oven looking like new.


  • Is the ketchup that spilled in the fall still languishing on the top shelf of your fridge? 你很久没清理蔬菜柜了吗? Spring cleaning is a perfect time to clean the inside of your refrigerator. Start by taking everything out and use this opportunity to throw out expired items. 说真的,后面的酸辣酱两年前就过期了. 一旦你移除了所有东西, use a little elbow grease and cleaner to wipe out any debris, 溢出物或污垢.
  • 把冰箱的外面擦干净. If you have stainless steel, you already know that it attracts fingerprints in a big way.  避免使用任何研磨性清洁溶液、漂白剂或氨水. 这些会损坏不锈钢表面. Check your product manual for the best cleaning advice for both stainless steel and other finishes. 
  • 当你清理冰箱的时候, consider turning the temperature to between 36-38 degrees and setting the freezer to between 0-5 degrees. This will decrease your energy usage and lower your monthly bills.


  • 它一整年都在努力工作,所以为什么不给它一些爱呢. Grab a cleaner formulated for your dishwasher’s surface and scrub the outside door.
  • 移动到里面,擦拭里面的门和边缘. You can purchase cleaners to sanitize the inside of your dishwasher, but you can also use vinegar. 在洗碗机安全的碗里装满一杯白醋. Place it on the bottom of your appliance and run a hot cycle. Once done, remove the bowl and sprinkle baking soda on the bottom. 运行短周期. 这将使你的洗碗机闻起来和看起来都很干净.


  • 你的食品储藏室看起来像食物炸弹爆炸了吗? 里面有冰河时代的食物吗? Take time to organize your pantry and throw out expired food. 把架子和抽屉擦干净. 你会喜欢它的样子的.
  • Spring cleaning is also a great time to reorganize your pantry. Do you really want to store your cleaning supplies next to your pancake mix. 花点时间整理一下.


  • 现在你已经整理好了, 是时候擦擦你的柜台了, 椅子, 把手/旋钮和任何其他表面.  
  • Give your sink a little extra cleaning, making sure to clean the area behind your sink. 查看水槽的制造商,寻找最好的清洁剂.
  • Don’t forget to wipe down your cabinets, especially around the knobs. If you have wood cabinets, this is also the perfect time to oil them.


  • 用吸尘器清洁冰箱和烤箱下面. Did you know that removing the dust bunnies and dirt under your appliances will improve efficiency and make them run more 有效地. And an 有效地 running appliance will use less energy which means you’ll save money!


  • After all the organizing, wiping, cleaning and dusting, your floor probably looks a bit rough. This is the last step in your kitchen spring cleaning process. Thoroughly sweep the floor and then give it a good cleaning. The type of cleaning solution you use will depend on the type of floor you have, 但不要错过那些角落和难以到达的地方. You might even have to get on your hands and knees to clean those corners, but it will be worth it.

Once you’ve completed these steps, your kitchen will look brand new. 你会让它更安全,更节能. 这是双赢!

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