Protect the appliances you depend on most
Gr和ma 和 gr和daughter using mobile phone

When temperatures are high outside 和 you’re feeling especially grateful for the coolness of your air conditioner, the last thing on your mind is your furnace. I mean, who wants to think about that when summer is in full swing?

We get it – right now you want to bask in the sunshine 和 cherish what’s left of the season. But you might want to take a few minutes to contemplate your future 和 your furnace. Getting it ready for fall 和 winter now puts you ahead of the game. You won’t have to worry the first time you crank up the furnace come fall. Instead, you can sit back, watch a football game 和 enjoy the warmth.


Let’s talk about things you can do now to prepare your furnace for fall 和 winter.

  • 检查过滤器. Now is the perfect time to replace your furnace filter. Starting the season with a new filter will ensure proper air flow 和 help keep the furnace functioning well. Shoot to replace the filter every three months unless you have a lot of pet hair in your home. If that’s your situation, you’ll want to replace it more often. Read our carbon monoxide safety page for more warning signs.
  • 购买炉膛过滤器. During the hot summer months, you can sometimes find great deals on furnace filters. 所以,现在就囤货吧. You’ll save some money 和 be ready for fall.
  • 测试你的恒温器. If your thermostat has been functioning properly for your air conditioner, it’s probably ok. 但检查一下也无妨. Turn the thermostat to heat 和 make sure that everything works properly. 相信我们, you don’t want to wait until your house has turned into a walk-in freezer before finding out t在这里’s something wrong with your thermostat.
  • 看看你的烟囱. Unfortunately, little animals like squirrels or raccoons sometimes get stuck in chimneys. You want to make sure nothing is blocking the air flow.
  • Check your carbon monoxide detector. If your detector isn’t working, it’s vital to replace it right away. Carbon monoxide is often called a “silent killer” so having a working detector is important.
  • Move clutter away from the furnace. Sometimes, when our furnace hasn’t run in a few months, we inadvertently store things around it. This is especially dangerous if the stored items are flammable. Make sure to clear away the space around your furnace. While you’re at it, check vents in your home 和 make sure nothing is blocking them.
  • 检查点火器开关. In older furnaces, you sometimes have to relight the pilot light. Newer furnaces will more likely have an electronic ignitor. 无论哪种方式, it’s a good idea to take a look at the ignitor switch 和 make sure it’s operating properly.
  • 做一次身体检查. In the same way you get an annual physical or take your car in for tune-ups, your furnace needs some love each year, 太. Our expert appliance repair technicians are 在这里 to make sure your furnace is ready to run safely 和 efficiently all fall 和 winter long. 在某些地区可用, our Service Guard furnace inspection can help lower your energy bills 和 avoid costly repairs down the road. They’ll check electrical connections 和 gas valves, 清洁火焰传感器, 和 inspect the carbon monoxide level in your flue.

Beat the fall rush 和 schedule your inspection by calling 888-890-5554.

进一步了解我们的 服务警卫计划 to see how we can help make staying home the coziest option of all — no matter the season. 一定要跟着我们走 脸谱网, Instagram, LinkedIn推特 获取最新提示!


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