

Sustainability begins at the highest levels in Black Hills Energy, with oversight from our board of directors and full support from our CEO and ESG Steering Committee. 我们对可持续发展的承诺 is integrated throughout the company with guidance from a cross-functional sustainability strategy team.

We believe that strong governance lays the groundwork for sustainable success and provides the foundation for constructive management and strategic oversight. It also supports a rigorous culture of 合规 and accountability.


我们的 corporate 合规 and ethics programs provide the foundation for our business conduct, essential for earning the trust of our customers and communities, 我们的监管机构和股东, 还有我们的员工. We hold ourselves accountable for complying with all company policies, 州和联邦法律, 以及管理我们行业的规章制度. 为了促进这种遵从性, 澳门金沙登录所有级别的员工, 还有合同工和供应商, are expected to complete annual training on — and ad在这里 to — our 商业行为准则.


我们的 respect for human rights is reflected in our corporate values. We support the principles outlined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. 我们的 人权政策 outlines support for standards including ethical and lawful practices concerning human rights, 多样性, 不歧视和骚扰, 劳动标准, 集体谈判和供应商关系.


We strive to provide a workplace environment w在这里 employees feel comfortable asking questions or voicing concerns without fear of retaliation. 澳门金沙客服网址支持这种文化, we provide a dedicated and confidential 道德热线 that is available 24 hours a day, 一周七天. 这项服务对所有员工开放, 以及公司以外的任何人, 举报实际的或怀疑的不道德或非法的行为. 道德热线由一名独立人士管理, 第三方操作人员和所有报告都被及时调查. 我们的 ethics program is reviewed both internally and externally on a regular basis and employee understanding of the program is periodically assessed.



The members of our board of directors have a fiduciary responsibility to act in the best interests of 布莱克山公司. 以及它的股东. The board operates according to best practice principles outlined in the “Corporate Governance Guidelines of the Board of Directors.” These principles lay the foundation for the board’s oversight responsibilities.

我们的公司治理结构促进了强大, independent board of directors composed of diverse individuals whose backgrounds, 能力, commitment and expertise combine to provide strong oversight for the company.






我们的 enterprise risk management program is designed to identify, 报告和管理所有形式的相关风险和机会. 管理所有领域的风险, 包括环境、社会和治理, 网络安全, 合规, 人力资源, 操作, 监管, 财务和声誉风险, are embedded into business processes and key decision making at all levels of the company. 我们的 enterprise risk management program includes regular reporting to our Senior Leadership Team and quarterly reporting to our board of directors.


Black Hills Energy applies industry-standard security frameworks in our Corporate and Industrial Control System (ICS) environments as part of our commitment to the delivery of safe and reliable energy to our customers. We apply a standard of continuous improvement to 网络安全, 通过持续的员工培训, 教育, 系统增强. Security assessments are regularly conducted through internal threat hunting as well as external penetration testing. The company is subject to regular 合规 audits which are conducted by outside audit firms (for SOX) and 监管 bodies, including North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) and Transportation Security Administration (TSA). We incorporate government and industry-related security intelligence sources and actively participate in industry peer groups such as Edison Electric Institute (EEI), American Gas Association (AGA) and 网络安全 and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). 我们的 Chief Information Officer provides quarterly reports to the board of directors.

Black Hills Energy is also a member of the 网络安全 Risk Information Sharing Program (CRISP), 与澳门金沙登录供应商和美国石油公司的伙伴关系.S. 澳门金沙登录部. 作为CRISP项目的自愿参与者, we share threat information which could potentially detect and prevent cyber threats directed at Black Hills Energy and other utilities. Black Hills Energy also participates in several public-private information sharing agreements with the DOE, CISA和FBI以及其他私人消息来源.

澳门金沙登录公司, each employee plays a role in security and our overall culture of security and security awareness is embedded in our safety culture. 内部钓鱼演习每月进行一次, and results show Black Hills Energy scores significantly better than industry benchmarks.


可靠性和操作连续性 are critical to us and those we serve. We evaluate our systems to identify opportunities to support a safe culture. We also routinely test our systems and conduct table-top drills and large event mock exercises to identify gaps in our response plans and enhance operating procedures.



我们的 环境政策 outlines our commitment to protecting our natural resources and applies to our suppliers, 供应商及承办商, 还有澳门金沙登录. 我们的 comprehensive environmental management system (EMS) is used to track performance and 合规 with all applicable state and federal regulations.
