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Colorado electric commercial rebates


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Colorado electric commercial rebate program

Rebate Program Program Information Printable Application
Commercial Prescriptive Rebate Program


Products include:

  • LED Lighting & Controls
  • Non-LED Lighting
  • Heating & Cooling Systems
  • Refrigeration & Water Heaters 
  • Motors & VFD’s

See the applications for more information. 如果您的效率升级不在申请的合格设备列表上, 您仍然可能有资格根据我们的海关或自直接海关退税计划获得退税.

Download and complete the lighting inventory workbook if your project includes lighting.

Retrocommissioning Program

澳门金沙登录公司鼓励商业和工业设施优化建筑澳门金沙登录系统和设施运营. 为让澳门金沙登录顾问评估建筑澳门金沙登录系统和设施运行并提出改进建议而进行的retro调试研究可获得回扣. The study must be pre-approved.

If the project does not fit the Retrocommissioning Program criteria, 您仍有资格根据我们的规定计划或客户计划获得回扣.

Energy Management System (EMS) Program

Black Hills Energy offers incentives, coaching, 为商业和工业电力客户安装澳门金沙登录管理系统以控制和监控能耗设备进行节能验证, such as lighting and HVAC equipment.

If the project does not fit the Energy Management System Program criteria, 您仍有资格根据我们的规定计划或客户计划获得回扣.

Download for more information
Indoor Agriculture Program

澳门金沙登录公司为科罗拉多州的客户澳门金沙登录提供商业室内农业和大麻相关业务的节能设备和项目回扣. 符合条件的客户将获得技术澳门金沙登录评估,并通过符合条件的措施升级获得关于潜在节能的定制建议.

Examples Include:

  • HVAC commissioning and replacement
  • Commercial insulation upgrades
  • High efficiency fans replacement
  • Dehumidification system installations
  • Pump system upgrades
  • Motor replacements

Rebates are the lesser of:

  • 50% of the incremental project cost OR
  • $ per kWh saved based on project size

在给定的计划年度中,每个设施的奖励上限为计划总奖励的三分之一. Funding for these rebates is limited. Applications will be processed on a first-come, first-serve basis. For more information call our toll-free help line at 888-567-0799.

Download or call our toll-free help line at 888-567-0799.
Compressed air audit program

澳门金沙登录公司鼓励商业和工业设施使用压缩空气设备,以尽量减少与这些系统相关的澳门金沙登录使用. 压缩空气审计计划通过鼓励客户维修现有系统,购买高效的新系统和替换系统,帮助客户解决压缩空气系统的低效率问题.

The program has two components:

  • Prescriptive Rebates are available for the most common high-efficiency options. Pre-approval is not required.
  • 压缩空气研究回扣可用于压缩空气系统研究,以分析客户的压缩空气系统,并确定减少泄漏和重新设计或更换系统组件的机会. 电动驱动的压缩空气系统必须至少有10马力(不包括备用)。. 客户必须修复至少50%的空气损失,这是由于研究确定的泄漏. The study must be pre-approved.

If the project does not fit the Compressed Air Audit Program criteria, you still may be eligible for a rebate under our Custom Program.

Download for more information
New Construction Program

澳门金沙登录商业新建筑计划可以帮助确定和实施战略,使您的企业节能. When beginning to design a building, incorporating energy efficient options makes excellent business sense. Being efficient gives your business a competitive advantage by helping to lower operating costs; allowing you to save money that might otherwise go towards energy bills. In addition, employees will enjoy a more comfortable work environment.

The program has two incentive offerings:

  • Design Incentives - Black Hills Energy与独立澳门金沙登录设计顾问签订合同,协助设计团队规划各种节能策略. 为业主的专业团队澳门金沙登录提供设计团队奖励,以协助商业新建筑项目,以帮助抵消与项目参与相关的费用. 设计团队付款是一次性支付给设计团队负责人的金额,并基于程序跟踪.
  • Construction Incentives -根据Black Hills Energy模拟并验证的节电效果,向建筑业主支付施工奖励. A minimum energy savings of 15 percent better than IECC 2009 and ASHRAE 90.1-2007 are required for construction incentives to be awarded. 业主/发展商在收到最终澳门金沙登录核查报告后,会获发奖励.
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Small Business Direct Install Program

Black Hills Energy encourages Colorado small commercial customers with less than 50,000 square feet to purchase and install energy efficient lighting, HVAC, and refrigeration measures. 符合条件的客户将获得澳门金沙登录评估,以确定潜在的澳门金沙登录节约, direct installation of low-cost measures, 并通过符合条件的措施升级澳门金沙登录提供潜在的节能建议.

Examples include:

  • HVAC equipment
  • Smart thermostat
  • Refrigeration
  • Lighting
  • Compressed air equipment
  • Motors / variable frequency drives

REBATE AMOUNT - 70% of the equipment and installation costs. 在给定的计划年度,每个设施的奖励上限为计划总奖励的三分之一. Funding for these rebates is limited. Customers are served on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Download or call our toll-free help line at 888-567-0799.
Custom Rebate Program


Custom rebates are the lesser of:

  • 50% of the incremental project cost OR
  • $ per kWh saved based on project size


Download the Custom Rebate application for more information.
Large industrial audit program Call 888-567-0799 for more information.  
Beneficial Electrification Business Program 澳门金沙登录公司(Black Hills Energy)向企业客户澳门金沙登录提供财政激励,鼓励他们不再使用天然气供暖, space heating, and equipment to energy efficient electric equipment. Download
Nonprofit Energy Efficiency Program

Are you trying to reduce your nonprofit’s monthly expenses and become more efficient? The Nonprofit Energy Efficiency Program is here to help. It all starts with a free energy assessment of your facility, where we can outline your best opportunities for savings. 

您的组织也可能有资格获得免费的节能产品和回扣. To learn more and to see if your nonprofit qualifies, please contact us at 888-391-8702 or

Download Application

Information Sheet

有关我们科罗拉多州商业和工业电力回扣的更多信息,请致电 888-567-0799.

Electric vehicle rebate program

Rebate program Program information Printable application
Level 2 Electric Vehicle Charger 我们的Ready EV计划澳门金沙登录提供现金回扣,为想要为其员工安装充电器的商业客户支付2级电动汽车充电设备和安装的很大一部分成本, customers and fleets.  English / Spanish
Level 3/DC Fast Charger Please contact us at 有关3级/DC快速充电器的折扣信息,包括折扣金额和符合条件的设备.  Available upon request
