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Winter Storm Uri FAQs on supply and pricing


General FAQ

Did the extreme cold impact Black Hills Energy and its customers?

澳门金沙登录公司随时准备应对客户对我们的电力和天然气基础设施澳门金沙登录需求的急剧增长. 我们的团队成员持续监控澳门金沙登录供应,并根据需要进行调整,以澳门金沙客服网址支持系统完整性并满足客户的特殊需求. 

While widespread customer demand for energy increased, our teams continued to deliver the most cost-effectively priced energy available. 我们在八个州的安全可靠的天然气和电力基础设施在这次历史性事件中表现良好.

What was the initial response?

澳门金沙登录公司的计划早在事件发生之前就开始了,他们仔细考虑了在极端寒冷和危险的温度下有足够的澳门金沙登录供应. As the cold set in and customer demands for energy increased, our teams continued to deliver the most cost-effectively priced energy available. As the event progressed, 我们要求我们的大量天然气客户开始减少负荷,以确保整个系统的可靠性. 我们通过电子邮件和直接宣传与所有客户沟通,限制他们的澳门金沙登录使用, 并在接下来的一周通过网络和社交媒体发布这些信息.

Was Black Hills Energy prepared for such an event?

澳门金沙登录公司准备应对所有紧急情况,包括极端天气. 我们已经制定了一项计划,并将与地方官员合作执行该计划, state agencies, local employees, and employees from other states to provide customers the safe, reliable energy they’ve come to expect. 我们不断投资于安全可靠的基础设施,为高峰使用做准备,我们确实要求某些大容量和“可中断使用”的客户, during these types of events, 根据需要减少使用量,以使我们的住宅客户继续接受服务.

How is Black Hills Energy preventing this from happening again in the future?


What was different about this storm?

这一破纪录的冬季事件导致天然气价格大幅上涨, the largest price increases in more than twenty years. 当对澳门金沙登录的需求超出合理的可用供应时,就会产生额外的公用事业成本. Therefore, 由于极高的需求和天然气生产中断,我们经历了来自供应商的商品成本大幅增加. 

What was done to respond and minimalize impacts?

我们对这一事件做出了回应,从2月12日开始,我们就开始呼吁大规模限制客户的使用, 2021年,并在这次破纪录的天气事件期间延长,以保持我们系统的整体和持续可靠性.


Due to the extreme temperatures, 你的炉子和其他电器必须更频繁地运行更长时间,以保持你家里的温度在你的恒温器设置, therefore using more energy than it would in milder weather conditions. Generally, the smaller the difference between the indoor and outdoor temperatures, the lower your overall heating or cooling cost.

What assistance options are available to help pay my bill?

Customers worried about affording their bill are encouraged to enroll in Budget Billing, a free payment plan that averages the amount you pay each month. 这个预算选项澳门金沙客服网址支持客户通过平均过去一年的使用量来避免极端天气导致的季节性账单增长. Customers can also seek out other assistance options such as United Way’s 211 to get access to emergency utility assistance services like Black Hills Cares, by visiting the Assistance Programs page on our website.


Natural Gas FAQ

How will the extreme cold affect my natural gas bill?

Extraordinary costs occurred when demand increases went beyond reasonable supplies. Our natural gas system held up well, 但由于极高的需求和天然气生产中断,我们从供应商那里获得的商品成本大幅增加.

Does Black Hills Energy make a profit on the gas going to customers?

No. 客户的天然气成本将不加任何加价地转嫁给我们的客户. 我们的天然气供应团队不断计划为异常需求和价格变化做好准备,通过实施一系列天然气购买选择,帮助最大限度地减少对客户的财务影响. 当前的北极事件造成了近20年来最大的天然气价格上涨.

(NE & 客户需要联系他们的供应商,以了解对他们的天然气商品定价的任何影响.


Electric FAQ

How will the extreme cold affect my electric bill?

使用量是我们澳门金沙登录账单中最大的一部分,而天气是使用量增加的最大因素. 当气温异常低,全国使用量急剧增加时, the law of supply and demand can create a temporary increase in commodity prices. Our system held up well with limited issues, 但也看到了价格上涨,以满足我们的客户不断增长的需求和随后的澳门金沙登录使用. 一些地区的电价是全国其他地区的两到三倍.

西南电力联营似乎有一些最大的问题,并在其服务范围内实施控制中断. Is Black Hills Energy associated with the SPP? 

Black Hills Energy is not a member of SPP, and, 我们的电力客户没有经历在许多其他州实施的滚动停电.


What will Black Hills Energy do to support those in need of help paying their bills?

家庭获得紧急援助资金最简单的方法是拨打他们所在州的211电话, 一名代表会将他们与当地的公共事业援助个案工作者联系起来, visit our Payment assistance section to learn more. 

Customers in the Black Hills Energy service territory are eligible for Black Hills Cares 基金,这是一个公用事业援助计划,由其他客户的捐赠成为可能. The Black Hills Energy Foundation matches those donations at 100%.

Budget Billing is a free, 澳门金沙登录公司澳门金沙登录提供的稳定计费选项,通过平均每月支付的金额,使账单更可预测,以避免由于季节性使用而导致账单飙升..
